The Association of Cypriot Archaeologist in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus and the Embassy of Sweden in Cyprus organized an open to the public lecture on 03 March 2015 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Mr. Per Westholm was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “My father Alfiros, Archaeologist from Sweden”. Welcoming addresses were given by Dr. Pilides D. (President, Association of Cypriot Archaeologists), Dr. Ieronymides M. (Director, Department of Antiquities), and Mr. Gierow K. (Ambassador of Sweden in Cyprus).
Press Releases
30.5.2019 Ανακοίνωση σχετικά με την ενδεχόμενη κατασκευή προβλήτας στην περιοχή του Κάστρου της Κάτω Πάφου
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