Knockin on Haven’s Door”: A new goddess and her rituals in the thermal pool of San Casciano dei Bagni
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists in cooperation with the Archaeological Research Unit organizes an open to the public lecture on 13 February 2023 at the building of the Archaeological Research Unit (University of Cyprus). Dr. Jacopo Tabolli (Università per Stranieri di Siena), Dr. Emanuele Mariotti (Comune di San Casciano dei Bagni) & Dr. Ada Salvi (Archaeological Officer|SABAP-SI, Italian Ministry of Culture) are the speakers.
“An Unintentional Colonial Gift: Herbert Horatio Kitchener And The Antiquity Of The Toponymic History Of Cyprus”
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Lecture – Kyriakopoulos Giorgos
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organized an open to the public lecture on 23 October 2015 at the Lecture Hall of the Archaeological Research Unit. Mr. Giorgos Kyriakopoulos was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “The Archaeology of Yesterday: On the Occasion of a Modern Greek Utilitarian Pottery Collection and a Photographic Archive”.
Lecture – Dr. Agapiou Athos
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 10 October 2014 at the Library of the Cyprus Museum, Nicosia. Dr. Agapiou Athos was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Applications of Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing in Archaeology and the Protection of Cultural Heritage”.
Lecture – Dr. Kouka Ourania
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 07 March 2014 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Dr. Kouka Ourania was the speaker and the topic of her lecture was “Social Identity and Cultural Dialogue in the Eastern Aegean in Prehistory: The Excavations at Liman Tepe Smyrna, Miletus and Heraion Samos”.
Ημερίδα – Το Διαχειριστικό Σχέδιο Για Την Χοιροκοιτία
Ο Σύνδεσμος Κυπρίων Αρχαιολόγων σε συνεργασία με το Τμήμα Αρχαιοτήτων διοργάνωσε στις 25 Απριλίου 2013 ημερίδα στην Βιβλιοθήκη του Κυπριακού Μουσείου στη Λευκωσία με τίτλο “A Management Plan for Visiting a Neolithic Village in Cyprus: Khirokitia Word Heritage Site (7th-6th Millenium)”.
Ομιλητές στις διαλέξεις που δόθηκαν ήταν οι Δρ. Σολωμίδου-Ιερωνυμίδου Μαρίνα, Δρ. Μπακιρτζής Νικόλας και Dr. LeBrun Odile.
Colloquium – Cylinder Seals In The Collections Of The Cyprus Museum
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus organised on 19 April 2011 a colloquium titled “Cylinder Seals in the Old and New Collections of the Cyprus Museum: A Critical Approach” at the Cyprus Museum Library in Nicosia.
The following speakers delivered seminars at the colloquium: Dr. Merrillees Robert, Mrs Merrillees Helen.
Lecture – Dr. Foulias Andreas
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 18 January 2012 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Dr. Foulias Andreas was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Monumental Painting in Cyprus during the Arab Raids Period (649-965)”.
Ημερίδα – Παρουσιάσεις Της Γαλλικής Αρχαιολογικής Αποστολής Για Την Χοιροκοιτία
Ο Σύνδεσμος Κυπρίων Αρχαιολόγων σε συνεργασία με το Τμήμα Αρχαιοτήτων διοργάνωσε στις 19 Απριλίου 2011 ημερίδα στο Υφαντουργείο, στην εντός των τειχών Λευκωσία με θέμα το ανασκαφικό έργο της Γαλλικής Αρχαιολογικής Αποστολής στην Χοιροκοιτία.
Ομιλητές στις διαλέξεις που δόθηκαν ήταν οι Κα. Elisabeth Bellon, Κα. Aurélie Montagne-Bôrras, Dr. Odile Daune-Le Brun και Dr. Laurent Aubry. Τις διαλέξεις ακολούθησε η παράδοση στη Διευθύντρια του Τμήματος Αρχαιοτήτων των Ψηφιοποιημένων Αρχείων των ανασκαφών της Χοιροκοιτίας, τις οποίες διεξήγαγε η Γαλλική Αρχαιολογική Αποστολή (CNRS) υπό τη διεύθυνση του Dr. Alain Le Brun και της Dr. Odile Daune-Le Brun.
Lecture – Dr. Kiely Thomas
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 25 June 2010 at the CAARI Lecture Hall, Nicosia. Dr. Kiely Thomas was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “The British Museum Excavations at Kourion, 1985: New Research on Old Discoveries”.
Lecture – Mr. Tuncer Bağışkan
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 27 May 2010 at the Cultural Centre Myloi, Kaimakli, Nicosia. Mr. Tuncer Bağışkan was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Ottoman, Islamic and Islamised Monuments in Cyprus”.
Lecture – Dr. Georgiou Kostas
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 07 April 2010 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Dr. Georgiou Kostas was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Aesthetics of the Civic Environment: How Much Do They Really Matter?”.
The invitation to the lecture is attached below. Note: The invitation is in Greek.
Lecture – Dr. Chrysostomou Popi
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 14 January 2010 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Dr. Chrysostomou Popi was the speaker and the topic of her lecture was “Palaeodemographic Analysis of a Byzantine-Medieval Neighborhood in Nicosia: Old Town Hall 2002-2004”.
Κύπρος-Πολιτιστική Κληρονομία: Ευθύνες και Καθήκοντα
Τάκης Χατζηδημητρίου
Lecture – Prof. Michaelides Demetrios
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists in cooperation with the Friends of the Cyprus Museum / Limassol Branch organized an open to the public lecture on 16 March 2016 at the Events Hall of the Bank of Cyprus in Limassol. Professor Demetrios Michaelides was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Hellenistic and Roman Cyprus through the Finds of Nea Paphos”.
Lecture – Westholm Per
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologist in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities Cyprus and the Embassy of Sweden in Cyprus organized an open to the public lecture on 03 March 2015 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Mr. Per Westholm was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “My father Alfiros, Archaeologist from Sweden”. Welcoming addresses were given by Dr. Pilides D. (President, Association of Cypriot Archaeologists), Dr. Ieronymides M. (Director, Department of Antiquities), and Mr. Gierow K. (Ambassador of Sweden in Cyprus).
Lecture – Eleftheratou Stamatia
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 09 May 2014 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Ms Eleftheratou Stamatia was the speaker and the topic of her lecture was “The Archaeological Excavation at the Base of the Acropolis Museum: Past, Preset and Future of A Grand Project”.
Lecture – Prof. Peltenburg Edgar
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 22 May 2013 at the Multifunctional Municipal Centro of Nicosia (Former Nursing Home, above the Famagusta Gate). Prof. Peltenburg Edgar was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Community Interaction Cycles in Prehistoric Cyprus? The 3rd millennium BC”.
Lecture – Dr. Hadjikoumis Aggelos
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 03 April 2013 at the Multifunctional Municipal Centro of Nicosia (Former Nursing Home, above the Famagusta Gate). Dr. Hadjikoumis Aggelos was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Basic Principles of Zooarchaeology: Practical Applications and Uses in Archaeological Research”.
Lecture – Dr. Satraki Anna
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 05 February 2013 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Dr. Satraki Anna was the speaker and the topic of her lecture was “Cypriot Basileis – Known and Unknown Rulers at the Age of Cypriot Independence”.
Lecture – Dr. Mina Maria
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 20 June 2011 at the House of Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios (Ethnological Museum), old town of Nicosia. Dr. Mina Maria was the speaker and the topic of her lecture was “Social Identity as Experiential Experience during the Chalcolithic and Prehistoric Bronze Age Cyprus”.
Lecture – Dr. Smadar Gabrieli
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 12 November 2010 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Dr. Smadar Gabrieli was the speaker and the topic of her lecture was “From Material Culture to Cultural Identity: The Geometric Painted Pottery of the Mamluk Levant”.
Lecture – Mr. Konstantinou Konstantinos
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 07 June 2010 at the Old Marketplace of Pallouriotissa. Mr. Konstantinou Konstantinos was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Cyprus: Reappraisal and Problematization in Explaining the Origins of the First Neolithic Societies on the Island of Cyprus.”
Ημερίδα – Οχυρωμένες Πόλεις Παρελθόν, Παρόν Και Μέλλον
Ο Σύνδεσμος Κυπρίων Αρχαιολόγων στις 08 Μαΐου 2010 διοργάνωσε ημερίδα στην Πύλη Αμμοχώστου με τίτλο “Οχυρωμένες Πόλεις: Παρελθόν, Παρόν και Μέλλον”.
Η εναρκτήρια ομιλία έγινε από τον Καθ. Μπούρα Χαράλαμπο με θέμα “Η Διαχείριση των Οχυρώσεων στις Ελληνικές Πόλεις”.
Ομιλητές στις τρίες συνεδρίες της εκδήλωσης ήταν οι Δρ. Πηλείδου Δέσπω, Δρ. Ανδριανάκης Μιχαήλ, Μανούσου-Ντέλλα Κατερίνα, Δρ. Μπακιρτζής Νικόλας, Βιολάρης Γιάννης και Κούννου Χρυσάνθη, ενώ χαιρετισμούς απηύθυναν οι Δρ. Πηλείδου Δέσπω, Δρ. Χατζηκωστή Μαρία, Μαύρου Ελένη και Δρ. Κοζάκου-Μαρκουλλή Ερατώ.
Lecture – Dr. Charalambous Eleftherios
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists organised an open to the public lecture on 19 February 2010 at the Kastelliotissa Hall near the Paphos Gate, Nicosia. Dr. Charalambous Eleftherios was the speaker and the topic of his lecture was “Study of the Manufacture Technology and Identification of Workshops of Cypriot Floor Mosaics, 2nd-7th Century A.D., Via Chemical and Physicochemical Methods”.

- Διαλέξεις ·
08.05.2010 – Ημερίδα – Οχυρωμένες Πόλεις Παρελθόν, Παρόν και Μέλλον
Ο Σύνδεσμος Κυπρίων Αρχαιολόγων στις…

- Διαλέξεις ·
16.03.2016 – Lecture – Prof. Michaelides Demetrios
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
23.10.2015 – Lecture – Kyriakopoulos Giorgos
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
03.03.2015 – Lecture – Westholm Per
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologist…

- Διαλέξεις ·
10.10.2014 – Lecture – Dr. Agapiou Athos
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
09.05.2014 – Lecture – Eleftheratou Stamatia
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
07.03.2014 – Lecture – Dr. Kouka Ourania
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
22.05.2013 – Lecture – Prof. Peltenburg Edgar
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
25.04.2013 – Ημερίδα – Το Διαχειριστικό Σχέδιο για την Χοιροκοιτία
Ο Σύνδεσμος Κυπρίων Αρχαιολόγων σε…

- Διαλέξεις ·
03.04.2013 – Lecture – Dr. Hadjikoumis Aggelos
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
21.02.2013 – Colloquium – Cylinder Seals in the Collections of the Cyprus Museum
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
05.02.2013 – Lecture – Dr. Satraki Anna
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
18.01.2012 – Lecture – Dr. Foulias Andreas
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
20.06.2011 – Lecture – Dr. Mina Maria
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
19.04.2011 – Ημερίδα – Παρουσιάσεις της Γαλλικής Αρχαιολογικής Αποστολής για την Χοιροκοιτία
Ο Σύνδεσμος Κυπρίων Αρχαιολόγων σε…

- Διαλέξεις ·
12.11.2010 – Lecture – Dr. Smadar Gabrieli
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
25.06.2010 – Lecture – Dr. Kiely Thomas
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
07.06.2010 – Lecture – Mr. Konstantinou Konstantinos
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
27.05.2010 – Lecture – Mr. Tuncer Bağışkan
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
07.04.2010 – Lecture – Dr. Georgiou Kostas
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
19.02.2010 – Lecture – Dr. Charalambous Eleftherios
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…

- Διαλέξεις ·
14.01.2010 – Lecture – Dr. Chrysostomou Popi
The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists…